Spousal Support
If you are a spouse seeking to get support in the event of a divorce, you must meet certain requirements. Ask yourself, can I afford to provide for myself if I get divorced. Do I have the education or skills to earn sufficient income? If the answer is no, or if you're unsure, click the link below to watch Lauren The Lawyer explain the requirements in Texas to be granted spousal support.​
If you were granted spousal maintenance in your divorce but your ex-spouse has stopped paying, continue reading. If a party was ordered to pay spousal maintenance in their divorce decree and they are violating those terms, the court can hold them in contempt. This can result in wage garnishments, jail, payment of a fine, payment of other party's attorney fees and more. If you received spousal maintenance in your divorce and are looking to enforce your court order for unpaid spousal maintenance, consult with Lauren The Lawyer today. If you have been served with an enforcement lawsuit for failing to pay spousal maintenance, you may have an affirmative defense to the enforcement suit brought against you. Contact Lauren The Lawyer today to schedule your consultation.